Friday 18 November 2011

Primeval Essay

From the first few minutes, I could straight away see that gender was shown in numerous ways in this Scene. The characters personalities was shown by their body gesture, custome , their tone of voice and the role they played in the film. The form of the narrative used was in a simple structure, like any other story or narrative in a film or story.

Genre was quite clear and obvious, the loaction which was in jungle and also the characters actions suggessted it was action film. The camero shots that was used made the audience realise, who is the perspective leader or protagonist in the first clip through verbal and non-verbal language.

Gender representation as quite muniplating and they changed the way gender is shown by the percieved by the audience first they changed the steriotypical view about women and men roles, for example the women has to be caring and cleans, nutures the house for her husband. However in this film the women with short blond hair is shown to be brave, strong and muscling, this is shown by her posture, prop and her attitude.

The hero seemed more calm and spontaneous, however at the beginning of the film the hero didnt not seem like he was the hero but more like the helper rather then the perspective leader. Although when he grabbed the tiger attention, so that he can save the girl that was very heroic of him. Also when his team work came, his started giving orders, the straight helped us to realise who was the hero and his helpers.

In the second act their was this women with dark brown hair medium long, she was shown as a typical steriotypical rich women. She wore attractive clothing, red lipstick and high hills, her social class was quite clear. She had a strong attitude shown, and very muniplating however at the end you saw she wasn't as strong as you though she was but weak

Tuesday 8 November 2011

9 Frame Analysis of 'Son of Rambow

The period looks around the 1980, this is because of their dress sense their wearing trench coats and long dresses which are very loose on them. This suggest their from a religious community such conservative. Their standing in front of a public cinema with the title 'First Blood' this suggest some kind of protest against the film. There is also a black lady with also a trench coat; however she still not accepted by them as she is wearing short red dress below her knee. This shows us that the whole city is not all religious and strict on their dress code.

This film shown on the cinema Rambo is similar to the 'Son of Rambow' there some kind of link between them.

This scene is set in a cinema, there is some evidence to show their period of time; such as their clothes sense. Most of them are smoking, and are not following the smoking policy.