Thursday 15 September 2011

Review of the first 5minutes of ''The Grudge, Drag Me To Hell & Final Destination.

The first 5minutes of ''The Grudge'', gives us a clear outline of what the film is going to be about, inculding the genre and target audience. Its a quite disturbing film to watch; and the text used before the plot starts to adds upto the sinister mood, especially when you first read this text ''when someone dies in the grip of a powerful rage... a curse is born''. That straight away gives you a little fright and builds up tension gradually as the film goes on, this film is very descriptive and uses strong eerie text which grabs your attention. film. This method is very useful and tends to draw the audience in, which makes us feel the story is real and increases the sinister mood. The font is also creepy and the colours used for example bold flashing red letters; gives us an idea of the genre of the film as something disturbing and scary for example a horror film. However if the font was in colourful bubble writing, it would make us think the theme is like a comedy family film which you can enjoy and laugh to. Howver that isnt always that case for examples this film; i think the appropriate age group for this film is 15 and over; because it uses strong language, violent and disturbing scenes. Although i myself watched this film when i was 9 and i was traumatized for nearly 2weeks, it taught me a good lesson though.

The first 5minutes of ''Drage Me To Hell'' starts off with blond middle age lady driving in a motor way rushing to get to work, with a normal life full of challanges and day to day missions. Such as wanting to move a level higher in where she works for example her wanting to be the an assistant manager. The title of the film gives away the genre and theme of the film, however if you didnt read the title and just see the first 5minutes of the film you would think its not a horror film. You would just assume a lady who works as a loan officer with problem; such as always being underestimated by her boss that thinks she cant make tough decisions. However after she she proofs him wrong by evicting an old lady from her home finds herself the beneficiary of a supernatural curse, she asks help from a seer to try to save her soul from burning, while being tortured when shes awake or a sleep. The target audience is quite obvious, its more suitable for 15 and over as it has violent scenes and strong language.

The first 5minutes of ''Final Destination'' starts of in a theme park at night with lots of different colours flashing and rides going slow and then 1minute fast, thats very creepy and kind of suggests that not everything is seen how it is. For instance the ride looks slow but goes fast in some flashes, also we get a slight idea of were the setting would take place. The title seems interesting and draws people in and its quite catchy; the target audience would mainly be for 15 and over as it has disturbing scenes and strong language which isnt appropriate for children under 15. The film is about a teenager who has a vision of his friends and him dying in a plane crash, he prevents that from happening but only to give death a chance to hunt them down; one by one.

In conclusion ''The grudge'' starts off in a more successful way because its use of texts was a very good method to use and gave us a clear understand; it also gave the audience a slight idea of what film was going to be about and helped to build tension and added upto the eeri atmosphere. The background music was also very affective and fitted perfectly with the theme and the film, it looked realistic and make-believe.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent Muna. Really a great deal to commend in this piece of Home Study.

    I like the fact that you are trying to engage with all the different elements from text to images to sound. This is exactly the way you should be working. You are also clearly conscious of the need to define any text in terms of its audience. For your deep research in preparation for the Foundation Portfolio you would be well advised to become acquainted with the BBFC. Look it up online.

    ebi - developing a strong and consistent working knowledge of media terminology.
