Friday 9 December 2011

Secret Diary of a Call Girl

This essay will be explaining how representation of disability is created through the use of camera, editing sound and mise en scene in this clip from Secret Diary of a Call Girl.

Camera is a very important technique in representing messages and key points of the film, for example when the camera tilts down at the start of the film to introduce black, this shows that his character is disabled. Also the adjustment which cg has to make when addressing someone in wheel chair as opposed to someone standing.

Mise en scene is also a very important technique; this helps us to understand each character individually, who the protagonist is and the purpose of the film. The opening shot is wide long shot and reveals wheelchair of central character , the wheelchair is icon symbol of disability. The shot where is half undressed shows he lack of ability to do simple task such as taking clothes off; this tells us he must be treated as a child. The apartment doesn’t have ramps it has stairs which is not suitable for wheelchair users, this shows us she doesn’t get clients who use wheelchairs regularly. His fathers distracted behavior in the van reveals his discomfort with the situation.

Sound helps the audience to visualize and understand the characters and their situations much clearer. For example CG voice reveals she's nervous and feels awkward with him. She keeps apologies when she has to move blake, this shows she’s treating him like a child. Blake says that ‘ He isn’t used to being touched’ and breaths heavily’ this all suggest he has low self esteem, and that his disability alienates him from common experiences like being touched intimately. The non-diegetic music begins towards end of scene when CG begins to get intimate, starts with sound bridge from car scene. The dialogue reveals father’s concern about what his some can do for example when CG and Black both say email, this indicates that Black is not completely alienated from the world. Blake has arranged this via email, this shows that he wants it and his capable of having more freedom.

Edit helps the audience think outside the box, makes us jump to conclusions and see things different from what it really is. The shot transition from the farther lifting blake to lay him on the bed, reveals his lack of independent and his dependence on others. Also the jump cuts in van with farther shows us the anxiety of father who has to let someone else helps his son. This shows also not only black lacking independency but also the father, he also relies on blake for comfort. Cuts between pov of flat and shots of the father reveals his thoughts and are confirmed by the action in the van. Also the time jump through jumps cuts also shows his been waiting for some time.

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